Dawulun Gun Emplacement is located at the west side of Keelung Harbor. It's one of gun emplacements that surround the harbor. Because of the old style, there are couples to get wedding pictures here. 基隆港被數個砲台所圍繞, 大武崙砲台是其中之一, 它位在基隆港的西邊. 現在這邊有種頹圮的美感, 我們甚至還遇到有新人來這裡拍結婚照哦!!
It is the truely park in my heart because of many trees there. Girls can walk all over the park without worrying to being sunburned even if they don't bring umbrellas. By the way, there is BBQ area too. Maybe we can BBQ in the park someday. 這邊的樹很多, 這才是我心中正港的公園, 女生來這裡即使不帶傘都不用怕曬黑. 公園裡還有烤肉區, 或許改天可以來烤肉哦!!
I like catching crabs at the seashore. It can makes me to leave all worries behind. Please follow three rules below : First, don't catch crabs if your skill is not as good as mine, or you may hurt them. Second, release all the creatures back to nature before you go home. Third, get nothing but pictures from nature. 在海邊抓螃蟹實在是一件很有趣的事, 好像可以把所有的煩惱都拋開. 在此要請你遵守以下三點 : 第一, 如果你的技巧沒有跟我一樣好, 請不要抓螃蟹, 不然你可能會傷害牠們. 第二, 記得在回家前將所有生物放生. 第三, 除了照片, 不要帶走任何東西.
This was a car accident in highway several days ago. Eight cars were involved in it. So if you want to drive car from highway to interchange, move to the outer lane earlier, or you may get trouble when you try to cut in line someday. 這是幾天前在公速公路上看到的車禍, 總共八部車親在一起, 所以啦!! 要下交流道還是早早靠邊排隊, 不要每次都想插隊, 夜路走多就會碰到鬼啦!!
I always envy there are wagons overseas. This is Ford Mondeo Estate. I hope it will become a homemade car because I can't afford to pay such a price. 厚!! 每次看到國外有旅行車款就覺得很羨慕, 這次是 Ford Mondeo Estate, 會不會引進國內呢?? 國產一下吧!! 進口的養不起啦!!
Oh! My God! Little Jane! What an ugly sitting posture. Although Dad sometimes sit like it, but you are a girl, please behave yourself. 我的天ㄚ! 小溱溱! 雖然爸爸常常這樣坐, 可是妳是女生ㄟ, 請坐好看一點好嗎?
This time little Jane visits Dashi Old Streets. The Old Streets are huge in scale. And the archaic architectures are well preserved. There are some memorials, parks and sightseeing bridges for you to get around. Needless to say, you can always get foods or funny things here. 這次小溱溱到了大溪老街, 這邊的街道都還有保留比較早期的建築, 附近有些紀念館, 公園和觀光橋讓你走走, 當然, 吃喝玩樂的商家一定是少不了的啦!!