There are blooming oases everywhere at Meinong during the Lunar New Year. It is so beautiful. I recommend you to be there. 過年時, 美濃到處都是一片花海, 很漂亮哦!! 你一定要去看看.
Little York starts eating hands recently. Take a look at him. Little York does all he can to touch his own hands. He tries so hard. 小語最近開始吃手手, 你看他想盡辦法要吃到手手的樣子, 很努力哦!!
I wonder what some other people think, just like the owner of the car. How does his brain work when he parks?? 有時候都搞不懂別人在想些什麼, 就像這部車的車主一樣, 停車的時候他腦袋是怎麼運轉的呢??