Today is little Jane's second birthday. As usual, Father's camera doesn't work well in the evening. I pick out two pictures with efforts to show at here. 小溱溱兩歲生日囉!! 照例, 爸爸的相機晚上都照不好, 勉強挑出兩張給大家看看吧!!
Little Jane couldn't blow bubbles by her own mouth yet. But she learns how to use a bubble-blowing gun. She is not good at it in the beginning. Little by little she is getting along very well with it. 小溱溱還不會用嘴巴吹泡泡, 可是他學會用吹泡泡槍, 剛開始還不太行, 後來就越來越熟練囉!!
Yes! You are right. Cops stop a motorcycle on the shoulder of freeway. Maybe the rider want to suicide. In no way should you guys do like this uncle. 是的, 你沒看錯, 那是台摩托車在路肩被警察攔下來了. 叔叔有練過, 小朋友不要學哦!!
Little York likes laughing. Today, he was teased to laugh by Dad once again. Little York laughed so hard which made him almost closed his eyes. 小語很愛笑, 今天又被爸爸逗得哈哈大笑, 笑到眼睛都瞇起來了.