This is the first time that little Jane comes to the seashore.
The weather is nice.
Some clouds are in the sky, so it is neither hot nor cold.
Little Jane's two favorites, sand and water, are all here.
And father's favorites, crabs and fish, are here too.
Here is a sandy beach.
The water is smooth and not deep.
It is a good place for little kids.
Little Jane doesn't want to leave at all.
今天天氣剛剛好, 天空有些雲, 不會太熱也不會太冷,
這裡集合了兩個小溱溱的最愛, 沙子和水水,
這裡是沙灘, 水不會很深, 浪也不大,
很適合小朋友在這邊玩, 小溱溱一點都不想回家.