I directly had a interview with the Director.
I interduced the jobs I had ever done;
and the Director introduced the company.
Skyviia is a spin-off from Skymedi.
I wonder if Skyviia's business can take off like Skymedi?
God! Please tell me.
Company Website : www.skyviia.com
就是我介紹我做過的東西, 處長介紹公司.
公司網站 : www.skyviia.com
HTC Interview
I went to HTC for interview was just for fun
because they didn't have opening I wanted.
But since they invited me, I attended the interview for fun.
Walking from entrance to interview place needed ten minutes.
You could image the size of HTC's base.
In the beginning, everyone sat shoulder to shoulder and had tests.
There were English, Intelligence and Professional tests.
And I waited for manager interview for a long time.
A young manager came in without giving me business card
so I had no idea about his title.
He said for my working experience, I should be interviewed by his boss.
But his boss was not in Taiwan now so he filled in for him.
The key point of our interview were;
It is a software team.
Work at least to eleven o'clock.
He felt great confident in the future of HTC.
Annual salary was far beyond my expectation.
The result is ~~~ I don't want this job even if they want me.
Company Website : www.htc.com
但是既然主動聯絡我, 就去開開眼界,
光從大門走到面試的地方就要十分鐘, 可見宏達電有多大.
有英文測驗, 智力測驗, 專業測驗.
接下來等主管面試, 等蠻久的,
來的是一位年輕的主管, 沒給我名片, 所以不知道職稱,
不過主管不在國內, 所以他來代打.
講重點, 該部門是寫軟體的,
不用等結果, 因為他要我我也不要他.
公司網站 : www.htc.com
because they didn't have opening I wanted.
But since they invited me, I attended the interview for fun.
Walking from entrance to interview place needed ten minutes.
You could image the size of HTC's base.
In the beginning, everyone sat shoulder to shoulder and had tests.
There were English, Intelligence and Professional tests.
And I waited for manager interview for a long time.
A young manager came in without giving me business card
so I had no idea about his title.
He said for my working experience, I should be interviewed by his boss.
But his boss was not in Taiwan now so he filled in for him.
The key point of our interview were;
It is a software team.
Work at least to eleven o'clock.
He felt great confident in the future of HTC.
Annual salary was far beyond my expectation.
The result is ~~~ I don't want this job even if they want me.
Company Website : www.htc.com
但是既然主動聯絡我, 就去開開眼界,
光從大門走到面試的地方就要十分鐘, 可見宏達電有多大.
有英文測驗, 智力測驗, 專業測驗.
接下來等主管面試, 等蠻久的,
來的是一位年輕的主管, 沒給我名片, 所以不知道職稱,
不過主管不在國內, 所以他來代打.
講重點, 該部門是寫軟體的,
不用等結果, 因為他要我我也不要他.
公司網站 : www.htc.com

STEC Interview
HR took advantage of me to incearse her interview head count.
It was the story.
Because the companies I wanted didn't want me,
I just opened my resume.
When I got an interview invitation, I was so happy.
I checked out some information about the company and
felt it had nothing to do with me.
At first I declined it.
But after HR's warmth invitation, I promised to interview.
I was so innocent as to believe there might be a secret opening.
There was neither aptitude test nor examination before the interview.
Firstly, Sr. Staff Engineer and Staff Engineer talked with me.
After checked my resume,
they said : "You are good at algorithm. But we don't need it."
This company's product is about storage equipment.
There was no secret opening, so I ignored the following conversation.
Then the Manager came. The conversation are also ignored.
And the most pleasant word came; "You should go to MediaTek or MStar."
I was really touched.
I said goodbye to Manager with tear in my eyes.
Company Website : www.stec-inc.com
我是被人資抓去衝業績的, 故事是這樣的.
話說我想要的公司都不要我, 我就把履歷給開了,
收到面試邀請真高興, 上網查查該公司,
跟我好像沒啥關係, 本來要推掉,
但在人資熱情邀請下, 我想該不會有隱藏版職缺吧?! 就去了.
看看我的履歷說 : "你演算法很強, 不過我們比較不做演算法."
原來這公司就是作儲存裝置的, 沒啥隱藏版職缺, 剩下對話省略,
接下來經理來了, 對話也省略,
最好聽的一句話來了, "你應該去大小M."
太好聽了, 我含著淚跟經理說再見.
公司網站 : www.stec-inc.com
It was the story.
Because the companies I wanted didn't want me,
I just opened my resume.
When I got an interview invitation, I was so happy.
I checked out some information about the company and
felt it had nothing to do with me.
At first I declined it.
But after HR's warmth invitation, I promised to interview.
I was so innocent as to believe there might be a secret opening.
There was neither aptitude test nor examination before the interview.
Firstly, Sr. Staff Engineer and Staff Engineer talked with me.
After checked my resume,
they said : "You are good at algorithm. But we don't need it."
This company's product is about storage equipment.
There was no secret opening, so I ignored the following conversation.
Then the Manager came. The conversation are also ignored.
And the most pleasant word came; "You should go to MediaTek or MStar."
I was really touched.
I said goodbye to Manager with tear in my eyes.
Company Website : www.stec-inc.com
我是被人資抓去衝業績的, 故事是這樣的.
話說我想要的公司都不要我, 我就把履歷給開了,
收到面試邀請真高興, 上網查查該公司,
跟我好像沒啥關係, 本來要推掉,
但在人資熱情邀請下, 我想該不會有隱藏版職缺吧?! 就去了.
看看我的履歷說 : "你演算法很強, 不過我們比較不做演算法."
原來這公司就是作儲存裝置的, 沒啥隱藏版職缺, 剩下對話省略,
接下來經理來了, 對話也省略,
最好聽的一句話來了, "你應該去大小M."
太好聽了, 我含著淚跟經理說再見.
公司網站 : www.stec-inc.com
ITE Interview
I got this interview by chance.
My preferred opening made no response to me.
So I tried this opening with limitation of being able to coding only.
Unexpected, ITE asked me for an interview.
After aptitude test was interview with Deputy Director.
What!! She knew my ex-boss and some friends.
It's really a small world.
This opening had something to do with my current job.
They made few limitations for easy hunting people.
Then Director had a talk with me.
HR, at last, wanted me filling my expactation of salary.
After I wrote, she said it seemed to much
and asked me if I want to change it.
I refused and said something must left behind after modification.
Just let it be.
And the interview was over.
Company Website : www.ite.com.tw
這個面試機會是誤打誤撞來的, 相關職缺都不理我,
隨便投了一個只要會 Coding 的職缺,
什麼!! 也認識我的前主管和一些朋友, 世界真是小小小.
接下來處長上場, 隨便聊聊.
最後人資, 基本上就是要我把期望薪資寫上去,
寫了他又說好像太高, 問我要不要改,
我說再改總是會有痕跡, 就這樣吧!! 面試結束.
公司網站 : www.ite.com.tw
My preferred opening made no response to me.
So I tried this opening with limitation of being able to coding only.
Unexpected, ITE asked me for an interview.
After aptitude test was interview with Deputy Director.
What!! She knew my ex-boss and some friends.
It's really a small world.
This opening had something to do with my current job.
They made few limitations for easy hunting people.
Then Director had a talk with me.
HR, at last, wanted me filling my expactation of salary.
After I wrote, she said it seemed to much
and asked me if I want to change it.
I refused and said something must left behind after modification.
Just let it be.
And the interview was over.
Company Website : www.ite.com.tw
這個面試機會是誤打誤撞來的, 相關職缺都不理我,
隨便投了一個只要會 Coding 的職缺,
什麼!! 也認識我的前主管和一些朋友, 世界真是小小小.
接下來處長上場, 隨便聊聊.
最後人資, 基本上就是要我把期望薪資寫上去,
寫了他又說好像太高, 問我要不要改,
我說再改總是會有痕跡, 就這樣吧!! 面試結束.
公司網站 : www.ite.com.tw
PixArt Interview
I asked my friend to help me sending resume.
Oh my god!
I didn't know he is a Vice President until I went to PixArt.
There was neither aptitude test nor examination before the interview.
The HR came to talk with me directly.
Once we talked, she knew I was a freshman of interview.
The HR was a nice guy and gave me some advice on how to interview.
She also recommended to open my resume.
Next one was a Department Deputy Manager.
I thought I did good jog at the talk.
I even pointed out his mistake.
Finally, before I left, I got a chance to talk with Vice President.
He said my expactation of salary was too low.
It awoke my spirit.
The result of the interview was ~~~ a letter of thanks.
It may not be a bad news.
Company Website : www.pixart.com.tw
到原相才知道他竟然是副總經理, 真是嚇死我了.
沒有性向測驗也沒有考試, 人資直接上場聊天,
人資人很好, 還給我一些建議, 說我哪裡講的不好,
建議我應該多看看其他公司, 然後也可以把履歷開啟.
第二關是部副理, 我有問有答, 表現得應該還不錯,
離開前還有跟副總經理聊聊, 他說我待遇開太低,
讓我精神一振, 然後~~~感謝函. 也好.
公司網站 : www.pixart.com.tw
Oh my god!
I didn't know he is a Vice President until I went to PixArt.
There was neither aptitude test nor examination before the interview.
The HR came to talk with me directly.
Once we talked, she knew I was a freshman of interview.
The HR was a nice guy and gave me some advice on how to interview.
She also recommended to open my resume.
Next one was a Department Deputy Manager.
I thought I did good jog at the talk.
I even pointed out his mistake.
Finally, before I left, I got a chance to talk with Vice President.
He said my expactation of salary was too low.
It awoke my spirit.
The result of the interview was ~~~ a letter of thanks.
It may not be a bad news.
Company Website : www.pixart.com.tw
到原相才知道他竟然是副總經理, 真是嚇死我了.
沒有性向測驗也沒有考試, 人資直接上場聊天,
人資人很好, 還給我一些建議, 說我哪裡講的不好,
建議我應該多看看其他公司, 然後也可以把履歷開啟.
第二關是部副理, 我有問有答, 表現得應該還不錯,
離開前還有跟副總經理聊聊, 他說我待遇開太低,
讓我精神一振, 然後~~~感謝函. 也好.
公司網站 : www.pixart.com.tw
Faraday Interview
This interview invitation came without anyone's help.
I've done aptitude test and English examination in last Evolution interview;
so I was directly interviewed by a Manager and a Deputy Manager simutaneously.
The Deputy Manager was even younger than me by 1 year
and studied at the same high school with me.
It made me feel I spent these years in vain.
The start of the interview was routine,
they wanted me talk about the job I've ever done.
The team was a Video Decoder team.
They developed it by Cmodel and ASIC Design.
So they asked me : "Which one do you like, Architecture or Coding?",
Surely I answered Architecture. Coding all the way made me tired.
Afterward I realized Architecture meant CModel,
Coding meant ASIC Design.
And I regretted after I knew it.
Then they asked me : "How long can you be familiar with CModel?".
I answered that I need some time.
Once again, they made no response to my interview.
Company Website : www.faraday-tech.com
所以這次就直接面談, 經理副理二打一,
其中副理還是跟我同高中小一屆的, 這幾年我真是白混了.
基本上聊的都差不多, 就是介紹以前做過的工作,
應徵部門是做 Video Decoder, 也是有做 CModel 跟 ASIC Design,
所以就問我 : "你比較想做 Architecture 還是寫 Code?",
我當然回答做 Architecture, 一直寫 Code 可是很累的,
結果原來做 Architecture 就是做 CModel,
寫 Code 就是 ASIC Design,
心中就暗自後悔, 後來又問我做 CModel 是否可以很快上手,
我說可能需要一點時間, 結果又是一次沒後續消息的面試.
公司網站 : www.faraday-tech.com
I've done aptitude test and English examination in last Evolution interview;
so I was directly interviewed by a Manager and a Deputy Manager simutaneously.
The Deputy Manager was even younger than me by 1 year
and studied at the same high school with me.
It made me feel I spent these years in vain.
The start of the interview was routine,
they wanted me talk about the job I've ever done.
The team was a Video Decoder team.
They developed it by Cmodel and ASIC Design.
So they asked me : "Which one do you like, Architecture or Coding?",
Surely I answered Architecture. Coding all the way made me tired.
Afterward I realized Architecture meant CModel,
Coding meant ASIC Design.
And I regretted after I knew it.
Then they asked me : "How long can you be familiar with CModel?".
I answered that I need some time.
Once again, they made no response to my interview.
Company Website : www.faraday-tech.com
所以這次就直接面談, 經理副理二打一,
其中副理還是跟我同高中小一屆的, 這幾年我真是白混了.
基本上聊的都差不多, 就是介紹以前做過的工作,
應徵部門是做 Video Decoder, 也是有做 CModel 跟 ASIC Design,
所以就問我 : "你比較想做 Architecture 還是寫 Code?",
我當然回答做 Architecture, 一直寫 Code 可是很累的,
結果原來做 Architecture 就是做 CModel,
寫 Code 就是 ASIC Design,
心中就暗自後悔, 後來又問我做 CModel 是否可以很快上手,
我說可能需要一點時間, 結果又是一次沒後續消息的面試.
公司網站 : www.faraday-tech.com
Evolution Interview
Evolution is a new company wholly owned by Faraday.
Ex-boss helped me sending resume.
There was an aptitude test and an English examination before the interview.
A Technologist talked with me about the job relative to image processing.
I felt we had a nice talk then,
but they never contacted me afterward.
Company Website : www.evolutiontech.com
一個技術經理跟我談, 要做影像處理相關的工作,
公司網站 : www.evolutiontech.com
Ex-boss helped me sending resume.
There was an aptitude test and an English examination before the interview.
A Technologist talked with me about the job relative to image processing.
I felt we had a nice talk then,
but they never contacted me afterward.
Company Website : www.evolutiontech.com
一個技術經理跟我談, 要做影像處理相關的工作,
公司網站 : www.evolutiontech.com
MStar Interview
There was no response to my application.
I had no choice but asking ex-boss and ex-colleague to help me.
At last, I got an interview invitation.
There was neither aptitude test nor examination before the interview.
I had a talk with the team manager directly.
The job of the team was developing graphics driver.
The team manager asked my will about the job.
I answered that it's not my first priority
and then I got a letter of thanks.
Company Website : www.mstarsemi.com
我說意願不高, 之後就收到感謝函.
公司網站 : www.mstarsemi.com
I had no choice but asking ex-boss and ex-colleague to help me.
At last, I got an interview invitation.
There was neither aptitude test nor examination before the interview.
I had a talk with the team manager directly.
The job of the team was developing graphics driver.
The team manager asked my will about the job.
I answered that it's not my first priority
and then I got a letter of thanks.
Company Website : www.mstarsemi.com
我說意願不高, 之後就收到感謝函.
公司網站 : www.mstarsemi.com
Kindergarten Athletic Meet
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