This was Sunny's Toy Story Drama in the summer vacation. She acted good.
這是小溱溱這個暑假的玩具總動員話劇表演, 表現不錯哦!!
小溱溱 : 上床時間到了, 去洗臉刷牙, 快去!!
Sunny : Time for bed. Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Off you go.
小溱溱 : 你們在做什麼, 好吵!! 上床時間到了.
Sunny : What are you doing? You are too noisy. Time for bed.
小溱溱 : 對啊!! 你們已經長大了, 那些玩具丟得滿地都是, 是不是該丟掉了呢?
Sunny : Yeah!! You grew up. Toys are everywhere. Is it time to throw it away?