"竹東" and "新竹" all have the same word "竹".
But they have different transliterated result.
One is "Jhu", but another becomes "Chu".
Because of writing this blog,
I often encounter this problem
when I tried to find out the name in English.
Sometimes the transliteration could be different
even in a single local government or school website.
The problem has been in Taiwan for a long time.
Although it's just an easy job,
but if we don't improve it,
nobody recognizes that Taiwan is a modern country.
可是音譯卻不同, 一個翻成"Jhu", 一個翻成"Chu".
在查地名音譯的時候, 常常都會遇到這個問題,
有時候在同一個網站裡, 音譯也有可能不一樣.
雖然這只是表面功夫, 可是如果不改善,

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