
STEC Interview

HR took advantage of me to incearse her interview head count.
It was the story.
Because the companies I wanted didn't want me,
I just opened my resume.
When I got an interview invitation, I was so happy.
I checked out some information about the company and
felt it had nothing to do with me.
At first I declined it.
But after HR's warmth invitation, I promised to interview.
I was so innocent as to believe there might be a secret opening.
There was neither aptitude test nor examination before the interview.
Firstly, Sr. Staff Engineer and Staff Engineer talked with me.
After checked my resume,
they said : "You are good at algorithm. But we don't need it."
This company's product is about storage equipment.
There was no secret opening, so I ignored the following conversation.
Then the Manager came. The conversation are also ignored.
And the most pleasant word came; "You should go to MediaTek or MStar."
I was really touched.
I said goodbye to Manager with tear in my eyes.
Company Website : www.stec-inc.com
我是被人資抓去衝業績的, 故事是這樣的.
話說我想要的公司都不要我, 我就把履歷給開了,
收到面試邀請真高興, 上網查查該公司,
跟我好像沒啥關係, 本來要推掉,
但在人資熱情邀請下, 我想該不會有隱藏版職缺吧?! 就去了.
看看我的履歷說 : "你演算法很強, 不過我們比較不做演算法."
原來這公司就是作儲存裝置的, 沒啥隱藏版職缺, 剩下對話省略,
接下來經理來了, 對話也省略,
最好聽的一句話來了, "你應該去大小M."
太好聽了, 我含著淚跟經理說再見.
公司網站 : www.stec-inc.com


新竹義民國中家長自救會 said...


Shawn said...

Yes! But I am not as outstanding as Melody, so I cannot miss any chance.

新竹義民國中家長自救會 said...


Anonymous said...

我也覺得我被虛晃一招~去了之後, 一個洋人主管(是大官)跟一個本國籍主任工程師 跟我 interview, 過程中洋人不是很客氣.我很少遇到洋人高階主管那麼沒禮貌的.過程中不斷打斷我的陳述.後來來了兩位工程主管 都很客氣,聊得挺愉快的. 總歸來說不是一個很愉快的面試經驗

Shawn said...

Dear visitor, no matter what happened, keep your self-confidence and you will get your ideal job. Good luck to you.